Every time I use the accessory, it floats around or goes into the sim. Sims 4 Nipple overlay Nipple-placement overlay Make any of my skins WickedWhims-compatible Texture covers an area larger than the nipple itself, because otherwise it would only add new nipples, not replace them. I’m more looking for like a tattoo or skin detail.

Please read the guide in case you need help with the installation, then you can come back to download anything you like from this list! You will find the links for the creations below their picture. I’m looking for nipple piercing cc that isn’t an accessory. Everything I find is also for male sims : (.

Every time I use the accessory, it floats around or goes into the sim. We have created a small guide on how to install custom content and mods, and the tools you are going to need for it. I’m looking for nipple piercing cc that isn’t an accessory.